Santa Rosa Fine Wine

Wine Tasting Notes

Santa Rosa Fine Wine samples wine at various Trade Tastings, Winery Visits, Wine Dinners and from collections purchased. The following links are wine tasting notes of particular wines sampled. Ideally, our most serious tasting notes involve sampling from a full bottle of wine over hours to see how it evolves. Where not possible, we seek to revisit the wine over a shorter period of time. The intent of the tasting notes are to offer a data point and some brief impressions of wine sampled.

                    Burgundy Wine Tasting Notes California Chardonnay Wine Tasting Notes
                    Bordeaux Wine Tasting Notes California Pinot Noir Wine Tasting Notes
                    Rhone Wine Tasting Notes California Cabernet Wine Tasting Notes
                    Sauternes Wine Tasting Notes California Syrah Wine Tasting Notes
                    Champagne Wine Tasting Notes German Riesling Wine Tasting Notes

When we taste wine, the characteristics we value most include balance, complexity, and age worthiness, in general, a wine that makes a statement on the nose, mid-palate and finish. No attempt is made to provide a score, as a matter of practicality however, our notes and tastings influence future wine purchases. It should be noted, not all wine we taste is included. There are generally three reasons a wine tasted would not be listed. First, only so much time is dedicated to notes, and simply do not always take them. Second, the wine was very poor, primarily due to no fault of the producer, for example a corked or clearly poorly stored bottle. Third, and probably most important, if it is not possible to give a fair representation of the wine due to a very limited sample size or other issue. As with all wine tasting notes available anywhere, it is a data point the user must always apply their personal good judgement in interpretation.

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